The sculptor Eric Croes (Born in 1978 in La Louvière, lives and works in Brussels) has been working for several years, developing themes that are dear to him through the mediums of ceramics and bronze. The mental universe of Eric Croes finds its culmination today in a series of ceramics which bring together the notions of game, chance, fantasy, accident and marvelous mastery. His works embody many of the issues specific to the avant-garde, but also remain sculptures in the “classical” and “noble” sense of the term. Mainly because these hybrid objects do not hamper the artist’s desire to be part of a historical tradition. In his hybrid and whimsical sculptures, he mixes humans and animals to compose colorful pieces to which many cultural references are added. Exhibited at Richard Heller in Los Angeles, Sorry We’re Closed in Brussels, Almine Rech in London and Paris.
His work is part of several institutional collections including: The collection of the Province of Hainaut in Charleroi (B) Le Vent des Forêts in Lorraine, The National Museum of Ceramics in Sévres and Le Voyage à Nantes (FR) The ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center in Tempe Arizona (USA).
Eric Croes